Today my voice was silenced

Today my voice was silenced

Tired of being the sweet woman

Smiling while taking criticism

Not able to express who I really am

Society shackles my feet and hands

I hang my head with despair and longing

To have people understand

No not understand me

Accept me for who I am as a woman

Today my voice was silenced

By the white washed walls of society

Authority has digged its claws into my ideals

Power has taken away my words

Expression is encouraged

And yet when said the encouragement fades away

To speak up in anger



Today my voice was silenced

My mind wants to give up

But my heart will not allow it

My body is tired

But my spirit is still strong

Looking into eyes

To only have them glaze over

Because they do not want to hear the words I speak

Asking if there is something deeper

But not being able to say it is them

Their power

Their privileged existence rotting away

With each word they speak

Slipping into a dark cruel existence

Today my voice was silenced

I want women to rise up

But it is not allowed

I long for my sisters to express themselves

But society has painted women to be objects of pleasure

I scream and cry out loud for my mothers to embrace femininity

But the social order has taught them well

I shout for my grandmothers to speak their wisdom

But submission has obscured their vision

I speak for women to be heard

But today my voice was silenced