Walking this path of love is not so easy anymore.  My mercy has turned to stone.  My heart in pieces not even worth putting together.  For what can I do?  How can I do anything at all?  My tears have turned to icicles on my face.  Tears I can break off and throw away.  Not realizing with every tear I cry and every tear I throw away, is a piece of my love for humanity.  My love is leaving me.  I am drained of all compassion.  I am starting to doubt my beliefs and even if it is possible to travel and survive this path of love I have chosen.  I long to weep but now all my tears are gone.  No longer able to be touched.  My insides are scrapped clean.  No feeling left within me.  Where have I gone?  Who has treasured all my tears?  I don’t know what to do with what I have seen, what I have heard, what I have experienced.  I feel my plea for humanity’s soul will not be saved.  But if I do not plea, then who will?  If I do not grieve, who will?  If I do not doubt, who will?  If I do not miss the people’s faces I see everyday, then who will?  I am not of importance on this earth.  I am just flesh and bone.  That is what I am told, but this flesh and bone has a soul.  A soul who longs to ease the pain of the weary traveler.  When will my questions have answers?  When will my people from all walks of life have love?  When will we be seen and our voices heard?  When will we be understood?  When will our realities be shown as truth to the rest of us?  Life continues to live, but when will it have breath?  It is said that eyes are the windows into our souls, well come and see the souls of humanity here.  Come and experience the souls of reality.  Come and try to change their life.  You won’t be able to.  Your understanding falls short of their reality.  Quick, change.  But change does not come at a fast pace.  Change is slow and often backslides.  So how will change happen?  This is a question we have to ask our souls.  Are we willing to walk in the shoes of one another?  Are we willing to hold the hands of one another, to partake in each other’s pain and suffering in order for change to come about?  Are we able to face our soul’s past, embrace it, learn from its struggles, see its worth, and move on to a better day?  Or will the rest of our days together be filled with hatred, injustice, and ignorance?  What will be the future of humanity and its soul?  We all walk different paths, some so much harder and filled with pain than others.  Where will our paths run into one, all becoming equal in pain, joy, and soul?  When will our final days together be filled with love, truth, and understanding?  Who knows?  But life will live with out us if we do not experience it for all its worth.  So I leave with these words:  love, live, understand, listen, and learn.  Maybe if we tell our souls this, change will rear its beautiful head and shower us all with reality.