An Expectation

Lone RiderFresh is the air

Crisp is the sight

A new world before my eyes

An existence full of possibilities

A convulsion of convictions

Free at last, free at last

Eliminating the past to move towards the future

Expecting life-blood to eliminate

Bodily harm

Becomes natural

Oh, to seize a moment would gratify

An instant where life was good

A word to describe the feeling


But a dream


Filled with greed


Killed from distraction


Rapped with our eyes


Fled with questions


Gone in the wind


Blown away


Snatched from the cradle

Hate is taught to discriminate

Composing death

Destroying life

Same difference

Tired of living

Tired of caring

Tired of breathing

Tired of talking

Tired of feeling

Tired of seeing

No Change

Here but a glimpse

Gone tomorrow

Wanting to help

Stepping into a world that is theirs

Shown the way, the truth, the life

But choosing differently

Taught by the prophet on the street

Magazine given in exchange for lunch

Eyes kissed with mace

The weeping of children

Caressed with privilege

You are invisible

Alienating understanding

Tolerance is dealt

Afraid of the unknown

Increased by media

Creating undesirable people

Made in the U.S.A

News is misleading

Fueled by action

People seen as terrorist

Terrorist seen as monsters

Dignity ripped from the body with a glance

Purchased at a price

Day labor or slavery?

Does anyone care?

Looked down upon

Seen as flowers to be bought on the corner

Trashed when dead

Does love reside here?

Was love ever here?

Police said to keep the peace since who knows when



Destroying neighborhoods



Democracy for the people

What people?

Money, maybe

Love has no place here

A city full of beating hearts

A city that is alive, but not well


Usually dying with hope

Instead misery

An expectation left for you