aBout m(e).

aBout m(e).

Katy Schlegel

Having worked in many jobs throughout my 20’s and experienced many different things throughout the years, I have come to the conclusion that the world is not black and white but oh so very colorful!


I have worked in the beauty industry, in small mom and pop shops, as a dog groomer to having volunteered/worked in various non-profits. My objective being trying to find my way in this mezcla (mixture) of life. I have seen and experienced many things in the last 10 years. And I have figured out this one simple truth thus far…to help others makes me happy. This is what I intend to do on my travels; to focus on others, and in turn hope to learn/figure out where it is that I fit in or rather fit out?!


Life always comes with rope, loops, and knots…what she say? (just read on to understand the punch line. 🙂


The rope…so this spot will be a mezcla of my passions I have come to know thus far in life. The loop…combining all of them together to have them make any sort of sense. The knot…all of them having one thing in common-they really can’t be defined, they just are. All of them being subjective (beauty is in the eye of the beholder type of thing) and are able to take on their own identities. However, they can be linked together not able to survive, one without the other.


My passions…(and what you will be reading about)




It’s a mezcla…so take the rope, jump with it, you can’t be defined, so stop trying, and just B(e).